Addiction Research Foundation is North America's largest facility combining research, treatment and community action on substance abuse. An agency of the province of Ontario, the ARF's mission is to learn about alcohol, tobacco and other drugs and to put that knowledge to work in the form of products, programs and services that can be used in the community. This is a major resource for alcohol and other drug information.
The Center for Substance Abuse Research (CESAR) at the University of Maryland provides multiple topic oriented bulletin boards, downloads of research papers, drug facts, and more!
Center of Alcohol Studies, Rutgers University is a multidisciplinary institute dedicated to acquisition and dissemination of knowledge on psychoactive substance use and related phenomena with primary emphasis on alcohol use and consequences.
Center for Substance Abuse Preventionwas established to lead the Federal efforts in prevention and intervention of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug abuse (ATOD) among the Nation's citizens.